Archive | February, 2012

Meeting Minutes 2/13/12

14 Feb

UMECA Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2012

6:30 pm

16 Attending

$7,021.61 total in UMECA fund

What do we need money for?

-NCECA (guessing 20 people going)

-500 postcards double sided ($100)


-Bray Days ($150)

-NCECA juror for functional show ($100)

-Jury fee to replenish funds

-$10 for 1, $15 for 2 (propose)

-Furniture for the NCECA Show

-Money for Kowki Durst for food, lodging ($350)

-Bring in Ben for one day, Kowki for 2 (Trey H. will call Ben)

*Leave $500 for the fall

Suzanne L. says we want to keep at least $500 for fall. Lists items above.

-$4,000 set aside for NCECA

-Tip Toland ($500)

Financial Gains:

-Medalta Sale

-Jury fee

-ASUM request

-Christian S. says there is an Excellence fund through the President’s office.

-Suzanne L. brings up the issue of who qualifies for UMECA funding.

-Trey H. wants to encourage people to join UMECA and to not cut them off.

-Cordelia R. brings up the idea of a spring fundraiser.

-Gustav H. agrees

-Cordelia R. suggests that classes are encouraged to make work for sales.

-Trey H. wants people to make quality work rather than work just to sell.

-Beth L. doesn’t think we should push the sale aspect too much (art first!)

-Trey H. says that we need info to get the student NCECA price

-Tuesday, March 27th is the opening of the Western Northwest

-Trey H. describes how the working the booth works at NCECA

Deadline for functional show? March 19th or 20th

-“What’s the Use? Functional Ceramics and Ceramics About Function”

-Trey H. wants us to push the idea, even sculptors should make a piece.

-“The Porcelain Room”-exhibition at NCECA

*All scholarships for Medalta and Red Lodge participants were approved for $200 each.

Provided by SET

First UMECA Meeting of the Semester!

7 Feb

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope everyone’s semester is going well so far. After seeing everyone’s availability, we have scheduled the first meeting of the semester for Monday, February 13th at 6:30pm in the ceramics studio.  We will be discussing NCECA, UMECA’s budget, and anything else that we need to discuss as a group.  If you cannot attend the meeting, please let one of the officers know.  Also, if possible, please spread the word around to anyone who is interested in joining the group.  Thanks and I hope to see you there!